How to Transition From Summer to Back to School

If you're like me you've seen lots of adorable back to school photos on social media. Seeing those got me thinking about my first day of school...

This is me after my first day of Kindergarten!

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Don't worry, it's probably not what you think! I actually loved my first day and I even met a girl named Lauren who, to this day, is one of my very best friends in the whole world.

After an exhausting first day of Kindergarten, little Laura (that's me) fell asleep on the school bus. I was so tiny, the bus driver didn't see me lay down on the seat and nap while she finished making her stops. To my surprise and the bus drivers, I woke up and we both couldn't figure out where my stop was. This was back in the day of half days for kindergartners. So the bus driver took me back to school while we figured everything out.

I finally made it to my bus stop where my big brother was waiting to pick me up and he had even brought my favorite stuffed animal.

For a kindergarten on her first day that was scary and for my mom it was even scarier. But the very next day, my mom put me on the school bus again.


Sometimes those new experiences are scary. Whether it's having your little one start preschool or transitioning to kindergarten, having a newborn, going back to work, starting a new job, working less, moving or whatever that looks like for you.

Sometimes transitioning can make us feel lost. But I try and remember what I learned on my second day of kindergarten...that although I was nervous, my mom helped me get back on the bus and try again! 

Transitioning might be new and full of uncertainty, but you might meet a new friend or learn a new skill and if nothing else it will definitely make you stronger than before!